Greetings! I am a new member of the mail list. I've been using a HP Z3801A GPS-steered standard but have just acquired a Trimble Thunderbolt GPS Disciplined Clock.

I'm seeking a recommendation for a power supply for this Thunderbolt receiver. There is much discussion about noise from some switching supplies and the effect on phase noise of the 10 MHz output. The Thunderbolt manual specifies the following supply and loads:

+12 vdc  750 mA
+ 5 vdc  400 mA
-12 vdc   10 mA

This combination is somewhat unusual in that the highest current is on the 12 volt output rather than the 5 volt output. I'm asking if list members have a favorite power supply for this unit, why and where I can obtain one.

Best wishes,

Larry McDavid W6FUB
Anaheim, CA  (20 miles southeast of Los Angeles, near Disneyland)

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