Hi Poul-Henning,

Nice article.  One thing stands out to me, though:  How do you
propose knowing 20 years in advance the schedule of leap seconds?

Or, are you proposing that we just collect all seconds that may
occur in 20 years, and dump them into a single correction, one that
may be multi-second?

I notice that this subject seems to make you a little grumpier than
the Poul-Henning I am used to.  I hope I am not treading on ground
you feel already is too well covered.

-Chuck Harris

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
In message<4e1ffa88.9050...@sfr.fr>, cook michael writes:

Michael, there are a few details you overlook, and rather than
repeat myself, I'll point you at an article I wrote for Queue and
Communications of The ACM, trying to lay out the bits:


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