Hi Greg,

As I recall hearing it, the "cone of protection" is really just an
area where the probability of a strike is much reduced.  The "cone
of protection" extends half as far as the lightning rod is high.
If your rod was 800 feet high, the protection cone would extend
400 feet from the base of the rod in all directions.  200 yards
is 600 feet, so I would consider that well outside of the cone.

-Chuck Harris

Gregory Muir wrote:
Sometimes the "cone of protection" simply does not exist.  A couple of weeks 
ago I
had to respons to one of my sites which contains an 800 foot tower.  While 
there a
large storm cell developed and a severe thunderstorm ensued.  Shortly before
leaving lighting hit the tower which was unnerving enough.  But as I was walking
out the door to get in the truck, another strike hit the ground about 200 yards 
front of me.  So much for "protection."

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