On Sun, 21 Oct 2012 18:02:40 +0200
Magnus Danielson <mag...@rubidium.dyndns.org> wrote:

> > Ah, but this is Time-Nuts.. are you sure you don't need 1E-13
> > performance? You may not think you do today, but inevitably, the
> > horrible uncertainty in your time stamps will gnaw at your innermost
> > soul, and pretty soon, you'll be building choke rings, wrapping your $6
> > receiver in an oven, cobbling together some weird combination of surplus
> > parts.
> Hear! Hear!
> As time-nuts, we try to get the best possible performance for least 
> possible cost. Then again, we oldies should recall that new-comers still 
> need to get started. We should give them advice that gives them a good 
> start while not spending too much money on a solution which isn't 
> sufficiently expandable into the future.
> We should have a wiki for FAQ and references.

Yes, definitly. Often it's very simple information one is lacking.
Like: where to find such information :-)

KO4BB's site is definitly worth a look, even if a bit overwhelming
and not clearly structured (especially if you dont know what you are
looking for).

A list of OCXOs and their benefits/drawbacks, like the list Luciano
(aka timeok) send a couple of weeks back is also a great help.

Or Vig's presentation on quarz resonators (if you haven't read it, you should!)

Then a list of sources for time/frequency refrences and how to aquire
them (like GPS -> GPSDO, DCF77/WWVB receivers etc). But i don't know
of any document that does this...

And something that glues all of the above together...

The rest is just a mater of asking and finding the right documenation.


                        Attila Kinali

There is no secret ingredient
         -- Po, Kung Fu Panda

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