On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Jim Lux <jim...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> I'm looking for an easy way to get current lat lon, when you've got a
> GPS-18 hooked up for NTP.  That is, the GPS receiver is there doing it's
> NTP thing, so presumably it knows where it is.
> If NTP is decoding the GPRMC message, it has the lat/lon in it, so how can
> I get that info out (in a command line utility, into a file, or some such)
> I don't need millisecond time accuracy.. For now the GPS is just to make
> sure that the time is "right".
> The GPGGA sentence would also do.
> And, I only need the GPS position once within a 30 second interval (it's
> not moving, I just want to know where it is).

I would strongly suggest GPSd.  It will open the COM port, to
auto-detection of speed and model of device, and you can use the builtin
utilities to spit out Lat/Lon, Time, number of satellites, etc.  A full
screen monitor is available: gpsmon.

GPSd is: http://catb.org/gpsd/

>  All of this with Windows 7.

This is an old port, but should still work:

   - http://code.google.com/p/gpsd-4-win/
   - See also:

Sanjeev Gupta
+65 98551208     http://www.linkedin.com/in/ghane
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