The math I am familiar with, seems to have mostly developed around
master-slave arrangements associated with radar pulses and (as you point
out) TV. In the MIT Rad Lab series there are some single-purpose treatments
but a good summary is Millman & Taub, "Pulse and Digital Circuits". Their
approach is largely graphical but in several cases (especially relaxation
oscillator coupled to a pulse or sine-wave circuit) they have analytic
results. They also treat sine wave oscillators, getting all the way to
phase detectors driving integrators driving reactance tubes (I think we
would call this a true PLL today).

The relaxation oscillators with single polarity sync pulse driving the
active device into conduction early, yes, you can only speed them up. But
if you look at the Millman and Taub math you can also see that a sync pulse
of the other polarity can actually slow them down.

But I don't think the relaxation oscillator treatment describes the
metronome. They get one (or two?) kicks a cycle from the spring mechanism,
but the strength of the kick does not set their period, the harmonic
oscillator (sine wave) pendulum behavior dominates their period, and I
think (since the table sways both left and right) they can be slowed down
or sped up through coupling


On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 10:13 PM, Bill Hawkins <> wrote:

> Maybe not. We need the math that describes the phenomenon, but it
> won't come from me.
> Consider the way that television sync pulses synchronized the sweep
> oscillators. The pulse has to get there before the oscillator cycles
> on its own. Similarly, the movement of the common base has to occur
> before a metronome clicks by itself.
> The devices synchronize to the fastest metronome, or they can't all
> synchronize.
> Bill Hawkins
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David McGaw
> Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 7:11 PM
> Compromise.
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