On 04/21/2014 11:40 AM, Attila Kinali wrote:
On Mon, 21 Apr 2014 17:12:54 +1200
Bruce Griffiths <bruce.griffi...@xtra.co.nz> wrote:

Optical excitation of quartz resonators: Electronics Letters
<http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/el>, Volume 18,
Issue 9 <http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/el/18/9>, 29
April 1982, p. 381 – 382

Thanks Bruce!

For those who dont want to buy the paper, here a short summary:

They used a 10mW HeNe laser, modulated with 1kHz to 1MHz on
various quartz cuts (X+5°, DT, AT) and could measure oscillations
of the quartz using metal electrodes.
The mechanism of exitation was photothermal

10 mW laser is reasonable.

What levels of signal where they getting?

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