Actually, in the unit in which the fuse had opened, it had protected the unit when the thermistor failed open. Having seen this happen, I recommend it be replaced. The Panasonic part is 63 cents.


On 9/3/14 7:33 AM, Bob Camp wrote:

In all the years I’ve been doing this, there have been a *lot* of posts and 
observations about that fuse failing. The number of reports / observations of 
that fuse doing what it is supposed to do (protect a failed controller) have 
been virtually zero. By far the easiest “replacement” is a piece of wire. The 
risk associated with this fix is near zero. Is it zero - no, but we spend far 
more money on these fuses than we would on a handful of replacement OCXO’s.


On Sep 3, 2014, at 5:29 AM, David McGaw <> wrote:

Let's try this again:

They are HP/Agilent/Keysight PN 10811-80008.  I was actually able to buy a 
couple from Agilent a few years ago.  They are listed as obsolete now.  A 
Panasonic EYP2BH115 should fit.  Newark has them.


On 9/2/14 8:05 PM, Dave Daniel wrote:
I believe a thermal cut-out is a device which interrupts the circuit when a 
prescribed temperature is reached or exceeded (in some cases by  heating from 
an increase in current through a conductor), but which re-connects the circuit 
once the temperature has dropped below the cut-out temperature (possibly with 
some hysteresis built in). A fuse, on the other hand, interrupts the circuit 
after a certain current threshold is exceeded (and, of course there is an 
increase in temperature related to the increase in current) but which is 
destroyed in the process out interrupting the circuit.


On 9/2/2014 5:10 PM, Dan Rae wrote:
On 9/2/2014 12:23 PM, Dan Rae wrote:
I'm sure this has been discussed to death before, but does anyone know of a 
source of thermal fuses small enough to fit in the -hp- 10811?  I have found 
plenty of larger ones, none of which will fit and would rather not just link it 

Thanks for all the tips and advice.

The Chinese eBay ones (15A) I have bought before and they are physically too 
big to fit.

Buerklin is a German distributor and will want 28 Euros to ship to the US.

I know I can link it out, but don't like doing that in something that is 
powered on permanently.

I have found some Panasonic ones that Digikey distribute in the US, but 
frustratingly the data sheets have no dimensions given. I have ordered some 1A 
and 2A ones to try, and will report further.

I suspect that the originals would have been around 115C.  And for searching 
they seem to be called Thermal Cut Outs (TCO), not fuses.

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