With the LTE-Lite, are the survey results held in non-volatile memory, or does it need to do a survey each time it is switched on? This is a fixed location.

The survey light is still on after a number of hours of operation (but it may have gone off in the meanwhile), and the GPS light sometimes flashes and sometimes not. The signals I'm seeing at the moment are: 24 30 26 18 32 27 21 18 and 19 in the "signal quality" indicator of Visual GPS. This with the puck on the top storey of a two storey building, but indoors. Other GPS pucks work fine in the same location. The PPS output appears to be correct, and there is 20 MHz from the 20 MHz port, but nothing from the Clock Out port on this 10 MHz unit.

The unit is as-received, with the exception of switching to NMEA sentences.

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