Am 28.01.2015 um 00:23 schrieb Magnus Danielson:

It locks it up with a PLL. See page 9 in PDF below, smack in the middle is the input circuit and PLL.

This page also gives you all the hints of how to wire in a better oscillator if you wish.

2 I have seen that the manual has a parts list and references the circuit diagrams, but they are not included in the pdf. Are the circuits somewhere
out there?

Simply pasting the link did not work, but it was close enough :-)

Thanks, also to Charles!

After Bob's comment, I have ordered it with the oven. Should be here in .de in a good week.

My 5370A has become so unreliable that it needs replacement.

What issues do you see?

Erratic blinking of the display, probably column drivers, but not only, bad switches that seem to stick now & then.. For some time, it was enough to remove and re-insert the
boards, but no more. I don't have the time now to look deeply into it.
All would not be lost.  It has a nice 10811.

regards, Gerhard
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