In message <55a4ac81.1030...@rubidium.dyndns.org>, Magnus Danielson writes:

>The safety is 
>relative, in that it takes quite a bit of more infrastructure compared 
>to the jamming of GPS, and that lies in the wavelength of the signal 
>than anything else.

If the goal is a reliable backup for GPS, there are smarter ways to
use the 100kHz band than Loran-C pulses, and there really isn't much
reason to stay compatible with Loran-C receivers.

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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