
Not to be to much of a downer here but …..

Loran for timing and an “Eastern WWVB” are two projects that seem to each have 
life of their own. They seem to come up on some sort of cycle related to sun 
Both have zero (or possibly less than that) percent mind share among those who 
would need to implement them into systems. Since there is major cost on the 
end, it would take “mandatory use” legislation to get them designed in. Without 
design in’s, *having* a backup system is pretty useless. You are talking about 
billions of 
dollars and years of effort to hook them up ….

If you are talking about “infinite budget” military systems, some of that may 
happen. I 
notice in the papers that “infinite budget” does not seem to apply to the US 
DOD these 
days. For commercial systems, nobody will significantly cut into profits to do 
something like this. 

Should they do this - sure. Will they do it - nope. 


> On Jul 14, 2015, at 4:49 PM, paul swed <paulsw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Poul-Henning,
> The reason to stay with the LORAN C style pulses is very very simple. It
> allows our time-nuts Austrons and SRS to work. Its the only way I get any
> of my tax dollars back. :-)
> The good news is no official government person reads time-nuts.
> Regards
> Paul
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:16 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp <p...@phk.freebsd.dk>
> wrote:
>> --------
>> In message <55a4ac81.1030...@rubidium.dyndns.org>, Magnus Danielson
>> writes:
>>> The safety is
>>> relative, in that it takes quite a bit of more infrastructure compared
>>> to the jamming of GPS, and that lies in the wavelength of the signal
>>> than anything else.
>> If the goal is a reliable backup for GPS, there are smarter ways to
>> use the 100kHz band than Loran-C pulses, and there really isn't much
>> reason to stay compatible with Loran-C receivers.
>> --
>> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
>> p...@freebsd.org         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
>> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
>> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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