> Le 28 janv. 2016 à 07:37, claude...@aliceadsl.fr a écrit :
> Thanks for your reply
> I don't think it's a computer problem because I can see the GPS is not locked 
> when I compare the 10 MHz output with a Rubidium.
> By the way, I don't use software but the screen command under Linux.
> Maybe the motorola bord is dead, I will investigate this : I have to send 
> commands directly to the board, as suggested by someone offlist.
> The board in the GPSDO is a Motorola 84D43579M03 . The same as this one :
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-Z3801A-Z3805A-GPS-Module-Motorola-Oncore-P-N-84D43579M03-/161594138402?nma=true&si=jnWr5n2KQf1WL6JylF%252BMgtIr1%252FM%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
> Do you think it can be replaced by this one :
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Z3801A-Z3805A-GPS-Receiver-VP-oncore-B4121Z1116-/281670591394?hash=item4194e023a2

I think you can replace your receiver with this. Some Z3801As ( which are 
pretty much the Telco versions of the 58503A) came with the 84D43579M03 part , 
but mine has a B412P1115 . I think you should be safe with the replacement. I 
have a Motorola document which says that the B parts with firmware 8.1 and 
later have "8 channel code added" with some related commands, so I guess your 
part is a 6 channel model. In a command reference manual from Synergy Systems, 
Randy Warner states 

“house numbered” receivers with total jibberish for model numbers have worked 
their way into the surplus market, but under the skin they are probably pretty 
standard parts. “If it walks like a VP, talks like a VP, and acts like a VP, 
it’s probably some variation of a VP.....” 

I can’t see any indication in the command guide that 8 channel receivers will 
not accept the 6 channel command set however that might be an issue at set up .

My advice is suck it and see. The VP above is cheap enough . I am going to 
order one if I can get a shipping price to France and there are any left.

> Thanks
> Claude
> ----- Mail original -----
> De: "Artek Manuals" <manu...@artekmanuals.com>
> À: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" <time-nuts@febo.com>
> Envoyé: Jeudi 28 Janvier 2016 00:27:43
> Objet: Re: [time-nuts] 58503A does not track
> Claude
> Are you using the same software on the same computer platform for the 
> whole time?
> By example  I have a Z3801 which works sometimes under Z38xx and 
> sometimes not, while SATSTAT works all the time. I did find some flaky 
> things going on with the software and was finding that I had to close 
> Z38xx and reopen it after every command to change something?
> Dave
> On 1/26/2016 11:39 AM, claude...@aliceadsl.fr wrote:
>> Hello list !
>> I have a HP 58503A who  worked fine for two years.
>> After a short power cut, it does not lock on GPS. I tried some commandsn  
>> including :SYST:PRESET but nothing works
>> Here's a :SYSTEM:STATUS ? after the PRESET and after waiting a few hours :
>> ------------------------------- Receiver Status 
>> -------------------------------
>> SYNCHRONIZATION ........................................... [ Outputs 
>> Invalid ]
>> SmartClock Mode ___________________________   Reference Outputs 
>> _______________
>>    Locked                                     TFOM     9             FFOM    
>>  3
>>    Recovery                                   1PPS TI  --
>>    Holdover                                   HOLD THR 1.000 us
>>>> Power-up: GPS acquisition                  Holdover Uncertainty 
>>>> ____________
>>                                               Predict  --
>> ACQUISITION .............................................. [ GPS 1PPS 
>> Invalid ]
>> Tracking: 0 ____   Not Tracking: 6 ________   Time 
>> ____________________________
>>                    PRN  El  Az                UTC      16:06:43 [?] 29 Feb 
>> 2016
>>                    * 1  -- ---                GPS 1PPS Invalid: not tracking
>>                    * 6  -- ---                ANT DLY  0 ns
>>                    * 9  -- ---                Position 
>> ________________________
>>                    *14  -- ---                MODE     Survey:      0% 
>> complete
>>                    *22  -- ---                         Suspended: track <4 
>> sats
>>                    *24  -- ---                INIT LAT N 596:30:43.423
>>                                               INIT LON E 596:31:10.845
>> ELEV MASK 10 deg   *attempting to track                      +21474708.00 m  
>> (MSL)
>> HEALTH MONITOR ......................................................... [ 
>> OK ]
>> Self Test: OK    Int Pwr: OK   Oven Pwr: OK   OCXO: OK   EFC: OK   GPS Rcv: 
>> OK
>> I tried to set the date with :GPS:INIT:DATE 2016,01,26 but this command has 
>> no effect.
>> Setting the LAT and LON with :GPS:POS «myposition» works.
>> ------------------------------- Receiver Status 
>> -------------------------------
>> SYNCHRONIZATION ........................................... [ Outputs 
>> Invalid ]
>> SmartClock Mode ___________________________   Reference Outputs 
>> _______________
>>    Locked                                     TFOM     9             FFOM    
>>  3
>>    Recovery                                   1PPS TI  --
>>    Holdover                                   HOLD THR 1.000 us
>>>> Power-up: GPS acquisition                  Holdover Uncertainty 
>>>> ____________
>>                                               Predict  --
>> ACQUISITION .............................................. [ GPS 1PPS 
>> Invalid ]
>> Tracking: 0 ____   Not Tracking: 6 ________   Time 
>> ____________________________
>>                    PRN  El  Az                UTC      02:58:13 [?] 24 Mar 
>> 2016
>>                    * 3  -- ---                GPS 1PPS Invalid: not tracking
>>                    * 4  -- ---                ANT DLY  0 ns
>>                    * 8  -- ---                Position 
>> ________________________
>>                    * 9  -- ---                MODE     Hold
>>                    *23  -- ---
>>                    *29  -- ---                LAT      N    blah blah
>>                                               LON      E    blah blah
>> ELEV MASK 10 deg   *attempting to track       HGT              +194.57 m  
>> (MSL)
>> HEALTH MONITOR ......................................................... [ 
>> OK ]
>> Self Test: OK    Int Pwr: OK   Oven Pwr: OK   OCXO: OK   EFC: OK   GPS Rcv: 
>> OK
>> But the unit is still not tracking, it sees the birds because the PRN are 
>> changing but
>> does not calculate the "El" and "Az"  ...
>> Here is the output of  :DIAGnostic:LOG:READ:ALL?
>> Log 001:20160122.00:00:00:  Log cleared
>> Log 002:20160122.00:00:00:  System preset
>> Log 003:20160122.00:00:35:  Self-test failed
>> Log 004:20160122.00:12:38:  Position hold mode started
>> As you can see, the date is 2016-01-22, it's the date when the power cut 
>> happened .
>> And when I run  :GPSYSTEM:POSITION:SURVEY ONCE, I get the same first status 
>> with crazy
>> lattidude and longitude.
>> Finally a self test *TST? gives +0 and the ALARM LED and the LOCK LED are 
>> off.
>> I've tried with a second antenna and have the same problem :-(
>> Can someone give me an advice for this problem ? The receiver looks dead, no 
>> ?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Claude
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> -- 
> Dave
> manu...@artekmanuals.com
> www.ArtekManuals.com
> ---
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