From: jimlux

You can buy the smallest "window" airconditioner and "plumb" it to your
chamber (I used dryer vent hose, cardboard, and lots of duct tape)

Attached is a plot temperature and RH of an insulated box about 1.2
meter wide, 2 meters tall and 60 cm deep, filled with 100 or so 750 ml
bottles of liquid.

The temperature is fairly stable, but the RH varies wildly - basically,
when the AC unit kicks on, it sucks all the water out of the air in the
box, and then, when it turns off, the (damp) walls of the box rapidly
rehumidify the air.

Thanks for that, Jim, and for the graph.

Your graph suggests to me that using /any/ form of artificial control may give worse short-term results than simply leaving an underground, uninhabited room with outside walls just "as-is". The slow daily variations may be far more tolerable than excursions due to heaters etc. being switched on and off.

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