On 6/4/17 10:01 PM, Chris Albertson wrote:
Voltage is proportional to the product of resistance and absolute
temperature.   As an experiment place a voltage across a high value
resister like say one 1M  raise the volts until you are near the limit of
the resister and connect it via a coupler cadaster to an audio amplifier.
You will hear white noise in the speakers.

As in Johnson noise - vrms = sqrt(4kTR)

There is a similar effect in semi conductors.  The best example of this is
visual noise in digital camera, when you tern the gain way up (set the ISO
high) you can see it in the photo.

I believe that's a different mechanism, shot noise.

All of this is proportion; to absolute.

As I remember we ran the "oven" at -20C There was a valve used to flash out
the air inside with inert welding gas to reduce ice.

Some people use vacuum and get to cryogenic temperatures.  But that is
expensive and way-hard without an institutional size budget.

cryogenic (as in LN2 temps) is very hard with TEC it takes many stacked devices that wind up looking like a ziggurat.

near vacuum isn't that tough at home - refrigeration vacuum pumps are inexpensive. If it's a one time thing, a sorption pump and one time Ln2 or Dry Ice can get you pretty empty as a one shot. Then you seal it off and it's done. the Bell Jar - http://www.belljar.net/ is a handy reference of vacuum hacking stuff

What is the reason why you'd expect less noise with a TEC?

                        Attila Kinali

You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common.
They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to
fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the
facts that needs altering.  -- The Doctor
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