If it's just locking to the carrier I wonder if it'd be possible to use a
suitably modified PICDiv clocked from a 'standard' 10MHz GPS locked device
like the Lucent?

On 19 June 2017 at 14:19, GandalfG8--- via time-nuts <time-nuts@febo.com>

> I suppose a converter from 198KHz could be an option but I know of at
> least one other experimenter who's run into problems with the Teleswitch
> modulation on the Droitwich signal when trying something similar with a
> 5090A.
> Although, from one point of view, running it from the present 198KHz
> signal might be considered the ultimate goal it's the operation of the
> hardware
> itself that's of more interest to me in this instance, so I'm  quite happy
> just to feed it with an accurate 200KHz signal from  whatever other sources
> are available.
> Nigel, GM8PZR
> How about building a frequency converter to produce 200KHz; mixing  the
> incoming RF (198KHz) with 2KHz derived from the output of the  unit,
> On 18/06/2017 21:17, GandalfG8--- via time-nuts wrote:
> > Hi  Pete
> That's quite good timing, if you'll pardon the expression:-), as I
> uploaded  a pdf version of the 5090A manual to mediafire a couple of
> months
> ago.... http://www.mediafire.com/file/u0bf1eips89uo3h/HP_5090A_Ops_
> and_Service.pdf
> I know a few others have considered converting the 5090A to 198KHz but
> it's  not straightforward and I believe the general consensus has been that
> it's  not  really worth the effort.
> I have a 5090B which I'm hoping  to get up and running when it finally
> reaches the top of the to do list and my  view is that it would be much
> better
> to leave the original electronics  undisturbed and to drive it with a  200
> KHz signal divided down from a from  a GPSDO or a rubidium  module,
> although
> having one of the latter already  running at 800KHz  does leave me a bit
> biased:-)
> Regards
> Nigel,  GM8PZR
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