Hello Bruce, Sorry, this went to you direct as well, in error.

Thanks for the very fast reply! Would it be possible to use one of
these frequency multiplier IC's? Sounds simpler, but maybe there are
down sides?


on 08/01/2018 13:11  you wrote:

>  Divide the 10MHz by 2 and use a filter to extract the fifth
> harmonic from the 5MHz square wave output.

> Amplify the 25MHz output from the filter if required...

> Bruce

> On 09 January 2018 at 00:31 Chris Wilson <ch...@chriswilson.tv> wrote:

> 08/01/2018 11:28

> Is there an easy way to get 25 or 27 MHz from my Trimble Thunderbolt
> as a reference clock at 1v P to P square wave for a Si5351a
> synthesizer chip please? I have the David Partridge divider board from
> way back that is still going strong, but 25 MHz is not an option as it
> divides only. Thanks, please keep replies to the level an idiot might
> comprehend :)

> --
>  Best Regards,
>  Chris Wilson.
> mailto: ch...@chriswilson.tv

       Best Regards,
                   Chris Wilson.

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