On 25/01/2019 7:56 PM, Bob kb8tq wrote:

Doing a buy on the F9T might be easier if the part actually existed ….. Right 
now it is still in the
vaporware phase.

So if there's someone they'd listen to, it's not too late to see if there's features from the various time-nuts F9P posts that ublox would add?

And if they're listening, given the number of users in high-multipath environments due to limited skyviews, for firmware that is aimed at fixed-position usages, I'd like to see:
o   the min elevation have a matching max elevation
o   an azimuth range, starting to ending, to exclude sats not in that range
That should be just as fast in execution as the current min-elevation setting?

The ability to specify a sat to exclude from the solution would be very useful. Then at least we could monitor the list of sats, their elevation & azimuth and issue a command to exclude one that isn't in our skyview. Much neater to have the max elevation and azimuth range as above.

A much less common benefit of a specific sat exclusion is: it would allow us to exclude a sat when it's passing behind the known position of an interfering object in our skyview. I have two transformers on poles I'd love to remove.


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