It's been fun reminiscing about all these dividers and techniques, but getting back to the OP, the original search was for a divide by 5 with "low power" and operation from 5 to possibly 3.3V, and clocking properly at 50 MHz. One would assume also minimal size and complexity, and low cost.

One piece of info that is missing, is how many of these are needed. If it's a one-off situation, that's way different from mass production and assured parts availability. If only one or a few are needed, then I'd contend that the 74AC390 is the way to go. It definitely will work at the lower end of the supply range, and is the simplest in parts count - one piece, and no doubts about external prop delays that would be associated with getting other types to divide by 5.

If there are truly lots of NOS ones out there, it should possible to just buy a bunch for all anticipated needs. I can't imagine they would be very expensive, except for the issues of volume versus transaction cost. I've never tried to buy old parts from these kinds of distributors, but I would imagine there would be minimum order requirements or fixed cost. So, getting one piece might cost $100, while getting a hundred pieces may be $110, and so on. There's no harm in asking and negotiating.


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