On 4/7/22 3:09 PM, Joseph Gwinn wrote:

This BTULN OCXO looks very good.  While they do mention that it
contains its own regulator, no numbers are given, so it's hard to
know what to make of that claim.

I wouldn't assume battery power - but this is where a phone call helps -
they'll be happy to tell you.
I must say that I've run into the battery-power (or *really* good lab
power supply) approach, neither which is applicable in non-lab
applications.  I suppose if Wenzel does the packaging, they will
ensure that full OCXO performance is achieved when powered from the
usual lab AC power.  The box would also shield the power wiring and
frequency-control input (if any) and associated wiring from passing

Joe Gwinn

That's a "call Wenzel and ask"  - They can answer your questions, and all we can do is speculate.  Even if I had a Wenzel box here in front of me with test data, that doesn't mean YOUR Wenzel box would be the same.   And when it comes to "in the catalog, but really we have a subset of stuff on the shelf" that's where calling is best.  Who knows what work they've been doing.  They might have had a job to build half a dozen sources, and they built 8, so that they'd have 6 guaranteed to meet the requirements, and now they happen to have a spare, or a spare that didn't quite hit -180, but only got -179.  And you'd be happy with that.

Wenzel is not some giant WalMart of oscillators, with forklifts going hither and yon full of palletized ULNs - there are probably 50-60 people there total, so odds are, you'll be talking to someone who actually has touched (with gloves) your oscillator.
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