It was thus said that the Great grischka via Tinycc-devel once stated:
> On 07.02.2024 09:38, Eric Raible wrote:
> > The alternative is having to know about messy system-dependent details,
> > which seems very much against the spirit of the (lovely) libtcc API.
> Well, if it's "lovely" then maybe because it's still small and
> fairly easily to read.
> In any case, there is always a conflict between simplicity
> and any new addition, even if they may come very convenient
> in some case.
> Maybe you (or other people) could tell a bit more why now that
>     tcc_set_realloc()
> can be useful enough that tcc should have it, more exactly?
> And if so, why then do we need
>     tcc_get_realloc()
> too?  Is that just an exercise about "setters" and "getters" or
> is it really useful?

  Lua contains a way to set a custom realloc() function (via
lua_newstate()), thus allowing someone who is embedding Lua into an
application to use a custom allocator, or even just restrict the amount of
memory Lua can use.  There is also a function in Lua to obtain the allocator
function Lua is currently using (via lua_getallocf()).  

  I checked, and back in 2012 when I created a Lua module around TCC [1]
there was no way to set the TCC allocator to use the allocator from Lua.  If
someone went to the trouble of setting up a custom allocator for Lua, then
any Lua module that might allocate memory should probably use it.  

  I'll admit, my use case of TCC is a bit unusual, and my request to make
tcc_relocate_ex() public after you made it private for some reason was met
with over a month long argument about it.



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