Sean Conner wrote in
 |It was thus said that the Great grischka via Tinycc-devel once stated:
 |> On 07.02.2024 09:38, Eric Raible wrote:
 |  Lua contains a way to set a custom realloc() function (via
 |lua_newstate()), thus allowing someone who is embedding Lua into an
 |application to use a custom allocator, or even just restrict the amount of
 |memory Lua can use.  There is also a function in Lua to obtain the \
 |function Lua is currently using (via lua_getallocf()).  

I think the possibility to replace an allocator is a good thing.
I was frustrated that one of the first things of the libressl fork
was to remove that possibility (i had found lots of problems in
the MUA i took maintainership of by hooking that thing), and such.
I loved the old libraries, graphics and such, which per-se
supported hooking their allocators.
Then again, today, so many pieces of cake install on-fork, etc,
handlers, use so-called sophisticated linker techniques, that
whatever you do you have a bunch of things using either the
standard allocator, or their very own, non-hookable thing, that
you are total at odds, anyhow.
As a nice counter-example, just this/last week FreeBSD introduced
the split of POSIX+ systemcalls into a libsys library, and out of
the standard C library.  But this is a tiny drop, and non-portable
it is of course, too.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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