In a message dated 3/2/2002 3:51:33 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

guess that I am an old geezer. I teach real college courses for real college students. If they can think, assimilate information, engage in critical thinking, fine. I refuse to bring down traditional higher ed. to accommodate unqualified, or lazy students.

Call me crazy but think back to when you were an undergraduate if you are 50 or older. Reading the original sources, not summary watered down texts, comprehensive midterms and finals (never had a MC test as an undergraduate

I am not a geezer, but I also never touched a multiple choice test after high school. The exams at my school were all essay and we also read not textbooks but original source material.

For this reason, although I include multiple choice questions on in-class tests, I eschew scantrons, I always require at least two essays, and also require a couple of short papers, even in intro classes.

I think part of the reason that students don't perform is because WE expect that they can't handle the demands that should be made upon them.  To me, receiving a college education receiving what should be further training (begun at the elementary level) in writing out one's thoughts and synthesizing/applying concepts. Exclusively giving multiple choice, scantron tests with NO other course requirements is IMO doing students a disservice...

Nancy Melucci
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