A nice response by Mike Palij--I really don't know how he has the time.

I echo Mike's caution on press releases. such as...

> |However, US distributors have resolutely passed on a film which will
> |prove hugely divisive in a country where, according to a Gallup poll
> |conducted in February, only 39 per cent of Americans believe in the
> |theory of evolution.

How they can know it will be "hugely divisive" is humungously awsome.
I wish I could predict the future.

I haven't seen it and perhaps it is "even-handed", but that would
probably be unlikely.
I doubt whether the creator of the film is absolutely and completely
neutral to the Darwin/Creation thing.

Besides, I think if the Creation/Evolution thing is hugely divisive in
America perhaps a lot of the blame lies in the "new aethiest camp".
If the issue was approached with a bit of humility, and real concern
over people and their beliefs then perhaps it wouldn't be so divisive
(if it actually is).

Say. Anyone know how come some posts are super-wide and some are not?
Can the super-wide ones be forced into normal screen size?


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