Stephen and all:

Dr. Stephen Black writes:

Two qualifiers: the finding that there is virtually no influence
of family environment on personality and social attitudes is
often extented to IQ, but I think this is incorrect.  The data do
show that family environment contributes to IQ.  For example
Bouchard's (1990) figures show that the correlation for MZ twins
together for IQ is 0.88, which drops to 0.69 for twins apart

This is pretty much supporting my point. I never specified which parts would be 
influenced and which would not, I just speculated that parents have some influence, 
and so do peers. I think Harris and Anti-Harris forces are oversimplifying a complex 
issue for self-serving, political and other reasons.

What would I say to students? (Someone else raised this issue.) I would say the same 
thing I have said regarding nature versus nurture in IQ.  It is clear that genetics 
play a role (twin studies).  It is also clear that environment plays a role (from 
conception...the best genes in the world won't save you if your mom augments her 
prenatal regimen with daily doses of alcohol.) There is probably no formula for nature 
versus nurture, in every individual the two forces contribute differently. All we can 
really predict is that each will contribute, but to what extent they each do...well, 
given our current level of knowledge, it's virtually a "crapshoot."

Nancy Melucci

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