I think I'll try to match Allen's lengthy response.

I haven't read it (The Spirit Level) either (although I think I have
it somewhere and have been planning to).

I think Chris made a good point that it is a popular book and so
perhaps focuses on readability.
This, however, doesn't mean the analysis is poor. And for it's critics
to point out that it doesn't present detailed statistical analyses, is
I think, ludicrous. It isn't after all, a journal article.

But the best part of Allen's response is the funny parts.

One funny thing in Allen's post was:
"...who regards himself as “about as anti-inequality an economist as
you’ll find”)..."
Well I guess that settles that. This is proof positive that God exists.
We have at last found a truly objective (unbiased) individual who is,
miraculously, a government worker !!

But the most hillarious one is from one critics response that Allen
presents that includes:
"The evidence presented in the book is mostly a series of scatter diagrams,
with a regression line drawn through them."

This is hillarious !!!
The reason being, of course, is that the statement is a good
description of all the
results in sociology.

I'm still laughing at that one.

Thanks Allen.


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