Iki opo to ???

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 9:05 AM
> Subject:      Re: Teknik Lingkungan ITS
> Hallo, aku mardiah(l-12), mas tenno tadi aku register ke communituy
> zero, udah jadi register e-mail di [EMAIL PROTECTED], teru pas
> mau masuk ke tl-its, koq bingung yo, caranepiye rek......
> Tenno Singgalang wrote:
> > Please joint, and add your biodata..thx Pals...
> >
> >
> > Your invitation to join:
> > "Teknik Lingkungan ITS"
> >
> > http://www.communityzero.com/tl-its/index.cfm?key=615-XTZ
> >
> > After clicking on the above link you will see the community's
> > welcome page.  Click the 'JOIN THIS COMMUNITY' link found on
> > the center of the welcome page.
> >
> > Your invitation key is: 615-XTZ
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > If you cannot click on the link, cut and paste the Web address
> > into the "Address" area of your Web browser.  Note that the
> > invitation key is NOT your user name.  You must select your own
> > user name and password when creating a new account.
> >
> > This is a private and interactive website for the group.
> > Registration is free and your privacy will be respected. You
> > will not receive e-mail SPAM after registration.
> >
> > If you experience problems using the above link, please ensure
> > it was not split into two lines.  If so, cut and paste the full
> > Web address into the Web browser's "Address" area.
> >
> > This invitation was sent by Tenno Singgalang.
> >
> > CommunityZero
> > by Ramius Corporation
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Build your own communities for free today!
> > http://www.communityzero.com

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