Please joint, and add your biodata..thx Pals...

Your invitation to join:
"Teknik Lingkungan ITS"


After clicking on the above link you will see the community's 
welcome page.  Click the 'JOIN THIS COMMUNITY' link found on 
the center of the welcome page.

Your invitation key is: 615-XTZ


If you cannot click on the link, cut and paste the Web address 
into the "Address" area of your Web browser.  Note that the 
invitation key is NOT your user name.  You must select your own
user name and password when creating a new account.

This is a private and interactive website for the group. 
Registration is free and your privacy will be respected. You 
will not receive e-mail SPAM after registration.

If you experience problems using the above link, please ensure
it was not split into two lines.  If so, cut and paste the full
Web address into the Web browser's "Address" area.

This invitation was sent by Tenno Singgalang.

by Ramius Corporation
Build your own communities for free today!

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