Hi Rene,

From: TLS <tls-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:tls-boun...@ietf.org>> on behalf of Rene 
Struik <rstruik....@gmail.com<mailto:rstruik....@gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, February 10, 2017 at 10:51 AM
To: Sean Turner <s...@sn3rd.com<mailto:s...@sn3rd.com>>, 
"<tls@ietf.org<mailto:tls@ietf.org>>" <tls@ietf.org<mailto:tls@ietf.org>>
Cc: IRTF CFRG <c...@irtf.org<mailto:c...@irtf.org>>
Subject: Re: [TLS] [Cfrg] Closing out tls1.3 "Limits on key usage" PRs 

Dear colleagues:

I would suggest adding the following paragraph at the end of Section 5.5:

[current text of Section 5.5]

There are cryptographic limits on the amount of plaintext which can be safely 
encrypted under a given set of keys. 
[AEAD-LIMITS]<https://tlswg.github.io/tls13-spec/#AEAD-LIMITS> provides an 
analysis of these limits under the assumption that the underlying primitive 
(AES or ChaCha20) has no weaknesses. Implementations SHOULD do a key update 
Section 4.6.3<https://tlswg.github.io/tls13-spec/#key-update> prior to reaching 
these limits.

For AES-GCM, up to 2^24.5 full-size records (about 24 million) may be encrypted 
on a given connection while keeping a safety margin of approximately 2^-57 for 
Authenticated Encryption (AE) security. For ChaCha20/Poly1305, the record 
sequence number would wrap before the safety limit is reached.

[suggested additional text]

The above upper limits do not take into account potential side channel attacks, 
which - in some implementations - have been shown to be successful at 
recovering keying material with a relatively small number of messages encrypted 
using the same key. While results are highly implementation-specific, thereby 
making it hard to provide precise guidance, prudence suggests that 
implementations should not reuse keys ad infinitum. Implementations SHALL 
therefore always implement the key update mechanism of Section 4.6.3.

{editorial note: perhaps, one should impose the limit 2^20, just to make sure 
people do not "forget" to implement key updates?}

How do you do side channel attacks on TLS ? Do these side-channel attacks work 
for AES-GCM only in TLS 1.3 ?

See also my email of August 29, 2016:

On 2/10/2017 12:07 AM, Sean Turner wrote:


We’ve got two outstanding PRs that propose changes to draft-ietf-tls-tls13 
Section 5.5 “Limits on Key Usage”.  As it relates to rekeying, these limits 
have been discussed a couple of times and we need to resolve once and for all 
whether the TLS WG wants to:

a) Close these two PRs and go with the existing text [0]
b) Adopt PR#765 [1]
c) Adopt PR#769 [2]

Please indicate you preference to the TLS mailing list before Feb 17.  Note 
that unless there’s clear consensus to change the text will remain as is (i.e., 
option a).


[0] https://tlswg.github.io/tls13-spec/#rfc.section.5.5
[1] https://github.com/tlswg/tls13-spec/pull/765
[2] https://github.com/tlswg/tls13-spec/pull/769
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