Within an enterprise that believes they need this kind of packet-capture-decode 
thing, what are the other benefits of TLS 1.3?  They can already use good 
ciphers. They save the cost of not uplifting existing infrastructure. They lose 
0RTT early-data, which when viewed globally seems like a reasonable trade-off.

I am much more cynical about the value of opt-in.  I mean, what are you 
expecting users to agree to?  And globally, what infinitesimal portion of the 
Web population can make an informed choice?  And often there is no choice – one 
of the advocates here is from a statewide insurance company.

So what is compelling about TLS 1.3 after you take away forward secrecy?  I 
really want to hear an answer to that question from folks who say they need TLS 
1.3 but without it.
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