I don't need money so I suggest that people donate to OpenBSD:


tmux is part of OpenBSD, I do most tmux development on OpenBSD, and the
project been very helpful in supporting its development over the last
few years.


On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 11:25:39AM -0700, Tyler Ware wrote:
>    You made my day. I had looked at using tables to accomplish this, but I
>    was missing the switch-client command. That is exactly what I was looking
>    for. Thanks for pointing that out and giving an example.
>    I'm curious, is there anyway I can help support the project? Things I use
>    day in and day out I try to either give money to, because I'd like to. Is
>    there anyway to do that for tmux?
>    -Tyler
>    On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 10:31 AM, Nicholas Marriott
>    <nicholas.marri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>      I think you could also do it with user-keys but that might be a bit
>      annoying in normal use. You can do it with a key table something like
>      this:
>      bind -Tmytable s splitw
>      bind w switch-client -Tmytable
>      On 23 Feb 2018 5:22 pm, "Nicholas Marriott"
>      <nicholas.marri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>        Hi
>        This is already possible with a custom key table and switch-client -T.
>        On 23 Feb 2018 5:17 pm, "Tyler Ware" <tyler.ware....@gmail.com> wrote:
>          Hello Nicholas and others,
>          First off, thanks for making tmux! It is an integral part of my day
>          to day workflow and I love it.
>          I would like to tmux to have the ability to handle sequential
>          key-bindings. For example, I would like
>          to be able press: "<prefix> w s" in order to create a horizontal
>          split. (Note that I don't mean holding down w and s together, but
>          rather pressed in sequence). I don't believe that tmux can currently
>          do this. I would like this so I can keep my key-bindings more
>          consistent across different tools. Vim and emacs can both support
>          this style of key binding and I use it extensively, so it would be a
>          great feature add for me personally :)
>          I've looked at implementing this feature myself and considered a
>          couple of ways of implementing it, but before I go off implementing
>          I want some insight and input from the people who have made tmux
>          what it is today! I've got a couple of questions:
>          1. Do you think it is a good idea / something that could be a part
>          of tmux?
>          2. Do you have thoughts on the best place to implement something
>          like this within the source code? I've taken a look at two ways of
>          doing it, but I want to know what your gut might tell you (as you
>          know the code much better than I).
>          3. What is the best way to collaborate on something like this?A 
>          I'm open to suggestions and any thoughts you have, so please share
>          when you have the chance!
>          Thanks,
>          Tyler Ware
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