bind C-y run-shell -b "tmux save-buffer - | DISPLAY=$(<~/.xdisplay) xclip
-selection clipboard -in && tmux display-message 'xclipped successfully'"

That is the key binding I use.  Currently I use Xming as an X server, and
use the included XLaunch tool to make an XForwarded ssh connection to the
host where I run tmux, and this creates the .xdisplay file.

In your case it should be simpler as  Xming will be running on the local
host and the display number is unlikely to change, so you can hard-code it
as DISPLAY=:0.0.



On 7 March 2018 at 14:48, Sivaram Neelakantan <>

> On Wed, Mar 07 2018,Scott Rochford wrote:
> > Unfortunately the 'set-option set-clipboard on' option doesn't seem
> > to have an effect under Cygwin/mintty - I'd be curious to know
> > whether that can be made to work somehow?
> >
> > Shift-select will go to the Windows clipboard.
> Right, this works for me too
> >
> > Unfortunately that limits you to selecting what you see on the
> > current screen (i.e. not the copy-mode scrollback), and if you have
> > windows split horizontally it will select across all of them, which
> > isn't always desirable. In that case you can use Shift-Alt-select to
> > do a vertical or "box" selection.
> This too works.
> > I use tmux under Cygwin mintty, but I run it on a remote host, so I
> > had to set up an exotic solution using 'xclip' on the remote host to
> > send my tmux clipboard back to an Xming or MobaXterm server running
> > on my Windows client, inspired by some of those confusing answers on
> > stackoverflow...
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> Could you post the xclip configuration parts of the conf file please?
> I have both xclip and getclip installed
> >
> [snipped 27 lines]
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