> No, this is why "--" exists, and on BSD, getopt() does not do "--"
> scanning, unlike on Linux.

The man page for getopt in openbsd mentions checking for "--", and
tmux's compat/getopt.c, which has a lot of "BSD" in it, also checks
for "--".

>> would never see it, and so couldn't alter its behavior.  Wouldn't you
>> have to modify getopt() or args_parse() to pass "--" along to
>> new-session?
> No, the command itself would scan for this, and then stop, asssuming
> everything after it was to be passed straight through.

I don't see how the command can scan for it when it appears to be gone
before the command's _exec function runs.  For now I'll assume I've
confused the order in which things happen and take another look.

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