On 4 February 2014 08:14, J Raynor <jxray...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't see how the command can scan for it when it appears to be gone
> before the command's _exec function runs.  For now I'll assume I've
> confused the order in which things happen and take another look.

I'm not sure where you're confused---perhaps that's my fault for
misinterpreting you.  But really it's simple.  getopt() returns -1 if
it encounters "--" signalling the end of argument list.

The problem you might face is when each command receives its own
commands, but you already have args->argv anyway, so there shouldn't
be a problem, you just need to ensure the args handling doesn't
tokenise it too much.

If you want I can send you a rough diff of how I think this should look?

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