I don't think we need a way to force new behaviour.

Doing our own quoting seems unnecessary and error prone esp if someone is using 
a weird shell.

-------- Original message --------
From: J Raynor <jxray...@gmail.com> 
Date: 06/02/2014  01:00  (GMT+00:00) 
To: Nicholas Marriott <nicholas.marri...@gmail.com> 
Cc: tmux-users@lists.sourceforge.net 
Subject: Re: use "--" to mark start of command w/ neww etc to avoid quoting 
> The original behaviour needs to stay if there is 1 arg.

Should there be a way to force the new behavior?  This might be
desirable since quoting would be different in this one case.  For
example, someone might enter:

neww  "/path/x  y/bin/foo"

...and their intention is to run the command "foo" that happens to be
in a path with a space in it.  Instead, tmux will run the command
"/path/x" with an arg of "y/bin/foo".  Only in this case (of 1 arg)
will neww break a quoted command string by spaces.  Should people just
rely on special quoting in this one case, like this:

neww  "\"/path/x  y/bin/foo\""

> If >1 treat them as
> an argv for execv. You'll need to change window_pane_spawn etc totake an
> argv also wp->command and maybe other stuff.

How do you feel about taking the argv received in neww and turning it
into a string with the args quoted?   I think this might allow
window_pane_spawn and other stuff to remain the same.
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