check whether you clamav running or do u update simscan?

> Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2007 13:08:53 +0100
> To:
> Subject: [toaster] Mail refused with temporary errors
> Hi -
> I'm running an old copy of the toaster (5.4.10 area?) but I've just
> started having problems with qmail refusing to send email.
> The toaster will run for a while (days sometimes) and then suddenly
> start refusing incoming email with a "mail server temporarily rejected
> message (#4.3.0)" error.
> Looking through the list it looks like other people are seeing this
> occasionally but no one seems to have got to the bottom of it. Once I
> start getting this message a reboot is required to fix it.
> Restarting any of the services involved doesnt seem to fix it and I cant
> find anywhere in the logs that might point to why its doing it.
> Any one any ideas of where I should look?
> Thanks
> Marcus

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