> I agree that a jk_admin type application to control the load balancer and
> get session info would be great and very usefull, but that would have to
> access information from the web server (who's in the list, who's active) and
> each TC (how many sessions). So even if I built an Apache admin app, I would
> still have to add methods to Tomcat to return active session counts.
> (Although I would not have to modify AJP12...)

Yes, both Apache and tomcat need a mechanism to get status and change
configuration dynamically. 

Session count is a particular case. Adding/removing workers is another
particular case. 

What I'm thinking about is a general solution. The goals:

1. Extensible/Modular. Maybe you want to get other internal informations,
or change other parameters at run time.

2. Minimal ( or no ) changes in the core or protocols. Changes are bad
bacause they add bugs, require releases , etc, and if we do (1) right,
then no other change is needed.

> As another solution, I could leave 8080 running on each TC and have a
> servlet that accesses the Response to get the session count (with the
> getSessionCount() methods I've added) (ie the /admin app as you suggested
> before with minor modifications). Although, I'm not too fond of this
> solution because I'd have to keep the 8080 TCP listener, (in order to access
> a specific TC) and have a login for each query...
> But for simplicity's sake, it may be the way to go.

Well, having Ajp13 or Http listeners is almost the same, you don't need
the HTTP running if you have Ajp13 ( and a Ajp13 client - like apache ).
Regarding login for each query - this is an admin task, so it's not

> Whatever the front end is, I'll still need to add getSessionCount() methods
> to the ContextManager, StandardManager, and StandardSessionManager. (yes?)

I'm not sure you need to change ContextManager for that - you can get the
list of Contexts, and for each Context you can access the StandardManager
- and get the session count from it. All that can be done ( IMHO ) from a
servlet, without any change in the core - the only special thing is
getting a pointer to the ContextManager.

> Sorry for the long rant, but I think I'm working on some good functionality
> that others could use as well, and I want to get it right.



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