on 1/17/01 3:33 PM, "Paulo Gaspar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And, of course, you are biting the bait, the hook, the line...
> Enough was already said about that. Sam, Hans, Amy and I managed to talk
> about it with no flames and Costin already apologized.

He apologized for taking things personally and not actually what he did and
then attempted to get us to feel sorry for him because it was a hard day. I
don't buy it at all.

> It might be a bit too late for that, since we all have been referring to it
> as Tomcat 3.3 during the last weeks (you included and a lot). Whomever has
> to
> become confused, already is.
> Anyway, this is not the User list.

Right and I'm asking that references to 3.3 stop and we agreed upon that in
the meeting. Yet again, I'm having to repeat myself to Costin because he
refuses to listen. In fact, right after the discussion about stopping
calling it 3.3 (which he agreed to), Costin turned around and referred to it
as 3.3. Then he did it again on this list. I just don't get it. If you agree
to something STICK TO IT. Period.

Now I get flamed (again) for trying to enforce what we agreed on in the
meeting. WTF?

p.s. The phone dialin attendance was dismal. No one from this list who has
been directly concerned with what is going on and having commented on things
bothered to dial in. Obviously all of you who *really* care about this whole
matter don't care *that* much.

So, Paulo (who also didn't bother to dial in), I suggest that you stop
discussing this any further and wait for the meeting notes to be published.


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