> So, it seems that you're saying that I don't understand the class loading
> mechanism.

What I'm saying is that right now, there's a way to get the classes you want
into the web app(s) you want.  Is it really hard to have Ant or Make create
a .war with the right file(s) in it?  Personally, I'm always for less work
than more.  Having to worry about moving your app to a new container is more
work than less, when placing everything in WEB-INF/lib and /classes works
just fine.

I mean, how big are the .jar files we're dealing with here?  4GB?

To make portability not an issue, it would have to be spec'd in, and like
Craig said, this isn't the place for "maybe the spec should say..."
discussions since the experts are elsewhere.  Although there are lots of
experts here of course =)

- r

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