"GOMEZ Henri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> So, IMO, it's a win-win situation... JK can support all
>> web-servers and all
>> "old" protocols, it's tested, it works, we just need to make
>> it able to talk
>> the new "AJPv14/WARP" protocol and can be used as the "strong"
>> foundation.
>> WebApp will talk only "AJPv14/WARP", based on APR, and only
>> ported to Apache
>> 1.3 and 2.0, when we're happy with it, with the 3.3 implementation of
>> "AJPv14/WARP", with the new/revised/corrected APR-based API,
>> we can start
>> porting all other stuff over, and in 12 years time we can
>> deprecate the old
>> one...
>> Does it make any sense?
> Yes -

Maybe to you, but buddy "Costin" doesn't like it... :)

> Pier which will became my best friend :)

Hope so... I'm _trying_ to be nice :)


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