>In Tomcat 4.0.2 and later, the above code would, I believe, 
>fit into the
>bin/setclasspath.sh script. This script, which already checks that your
>$JAVA_HOME contains a java, javac, and jdb command, would extend that
>functionality. BTW, setclasspath.sh is source by all the 
>executable Unix scripts
>(e.g. catalina.sh, jasper.sh, etc.).

Yes bin/setclasspath.sh does many things and could be used.

My advice it that the name is too generic and should be renamed 
when you install TC 3.x/4.x in a FHS way, ie execs in
/usr/bin, datas in /var/tomcat4 or /usr/share/tomcat4.

May be renamed to setcatalinacp.sh ?

>Something that the Tomcat 3.3 developers may want to take a look at in
>setclasspath.sh is the setting of $JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS 
>environment variable. This
>variable is used to construct a "-Djava.endorsed.dirs=<xxxx>" 
>argument when
>invoking Java in each of teh executable Unix scripts (Windows 
>does the same in
>setclasspath.bat). This property provides the ability for 
>Tomcat to override the
>default parser and other special classes that are bundled with 
>JDK 1.4 with the
>classes that are bundled with Tomcat. This eliminates the need 
>for users to need
>to copy jar files into their JDK's lib/endorsed directory 
>(which would affect
>all other Java applications).

Excellent information that -Djava.endorsed.dirs. Could you give us an
example of it if for example we want to use xerces-2.0.0 and xalan-2.3.0
with Sun JDK 1.4.0-rc1 ?

>> # If you wish to further customize your tomcat environment,
>> # put your own definitions here
>> # (i.e. LD_LIBRARY_PATH for some jdbc drivers)
>> # Just do not forget to export them :)
>Many may not know this, but the above configuration file 
>already exists in
>Tomcat 4.0.2 and later. The configuration files are:
>   Windows:  bin/setenv.bat
>   Unix:     bin/setenv.sh
>These files, by default, do not exist. However, if the user 
>creates the above
>file, they can override any environment variables that they like.

Ditto this file should be renamed (see upper) to maybe setcatalinaenv.sh ?

>Something that the Tomcat 3.3 developers may want to take a 
>look at is that each
>Unix script in Tomcat 4.0.2 and later now resolves 
>CATALINA_HOME independently
>of the user's environment. This even works if the user invokes 
>a softlink to the
>script (pretty handy if you want to put a softlink to 
>startup.sh and shutdown.sh
>in /usr/bin on your system). This, and putting "JAVA_HOME=<JDK 
>path>" in the
>setenv.sh file, allows you to run Tomcat 4.0.2 or later from 
>an /etc/rc.d or
>/etc/inittab entry.

In my RPM, I use another way for both TC 3.3/4.0.2 by using
the config file which is more in spirit of Apache httpd.conf ;)

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