GOMEZ Henri wrote:
> Did you take a look at my scripts ?

 I thought I did, although I concentrated on the proposed
changes to catalina.sh.

> This config stuff came from discution on this this list with
> Keith Irwin and Nicolas Mailhot :)

 It looks like I missed some background discussion, but the
tomcat-dev archives at metronet appear to be out of date,
and google didn't turn up anything. If this has all been
gone over in detail before, then a pointer to a copy of the
thread in the archives would probably shut me up.

 I was assuming:

 - An rpm installation would set up a series of scripts in
   the appropriate LSB-compliant directories. One of those
   scripts would be tomcat4. A user wanting to start Catalina
   would run tomcat4 (or put it in their rc directories to be
   started automatically) 

 - A non-rpm installation would still be started by running
   bin/catalina.sh, just like before. This would be typical
   of a developer just getting started with Tomcat.

> So experienced and beginner will JUST have to :
> - Comment JAVA_HOME="/opt/IBMJava2-13" in config file
>   for auto-exploration
> - Set JAVA_HOME in config file to specify WHICH JVM they
>   want to be used with Tomcat3 (and since TC 4 use another
>   config file, it could be used at the same time with the
>   same or a different JVM).

 But that's only if you're running using a full-on RPM based

 I doesn't really matter, though. My objection is based on
the "principle of least suprise", which in this case means
that an installation that works should not suddenly stop
working because of an unrelated change to another part of
the system.

 If the answer is "it's unwise to run with auto-discovery
turned on", then why have it at all? Systems that need to
run totally without configuration (from a cdrom?) would
presumably need custom configuration scripts in any case.

Christopher St. John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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