>I nominated quite a few of the current tomcat commiters, and 
>each of them made important contributions to tomcat. I used the 
>same 'standards' that Bill used when proposing Dan.
>I believe we deserve some explanation from the 'members', I'm 
>quite unhappy about this whole issue. If there are some new 
>quantitative standards for becoming a commiter ( or a member )
>we should know about.  

Even if I vote +1 for both tomcat recent commiters,
Benoit and Dan, I could understand Pier objections.

Benoit and Dan are new to tomcat-dev (less than 1 month)
and mail-archive reports 32 refs to Benoit and 17 to Dan.


But they were on tomcat-user for at least 1 year.

There is many factors which determine if someone 
could became commiter, proposition, code, patches
participation in thread, user-support and duration.

And I agree with Pier that not all factors reach
a 'critical level'.

BTW, I think that a mandatory factor is duration,
people should be granted to commiter level after
a certain time of presence and activity in 
developper list.

And that's why I understand Pier objections....

PS: Please don't turn that thread in flam-war.

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