On Fri, 24 May 2002, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

> Ok, we all agree that Denis gave a valuable contribution, but as far as I
> can see, can we say that this is "frequent"? I honestly can't... And again,
> I have _nothing_ against Dan or Dennis, actually, I would like to thank them
> for their patches...
>     Pier

I understand your arguments perfectly, and I must admit that I agree with most
of them.  On the other hand, I think there's a tendancy to bring fresh blood
in the tomcat-dev community and that may very well be a good thing.

Personnaly, I don't expect to use my recent commiter status to start to
commit code blindly.  What hooked me to the tomcat-dev community was the
challenge I could get working with guys like Kin-Man.  If you look at my ratio
of lines of e-mail to the list vs lines of code, you'll see that it's pretty
high :)  The most interesting part is the exchange of ideas to arrive at a
better solution than if all parties worked independantly.  I feel that I
grow better, and it feels also rewarding to know that what you build helped
other people too.  And the satisfaction of having done a thing "right" is not
bad either :)

I don't think that "knowing me better" is much relevant to do the actual
"commit" of the code.  Even if you knew me, even if you knew that I'm a good
coder (and I'm not saying that I am), it would not mean that I understand the
architecture of Tomcat, or the long time direction the group has decided to give
to Tomcat.  So a patch, even if it would be all right on its own, may not fit in
the architecture, or the direction that Tomcat is taking.  If only for these
reasons, I would rely on the opinions and feedback of the senior members of
Tomcat-dev.  And whatever status I may have, won't change the way I think.

I feel much more at ease having discussed a patch extensively with a
senior member of the team and submit a patch afterward.  I don't really care if
I'me the one doing the commit or if somebody else does it.  In fact, I
personally prefer to have some senior member audit the code and commit it.  If
the "commiter" status means that I will have to commit my code myself, and it
would be inappropriate to post code to the mailing list for peer review, then
by all means take it back!  I want to remain a developper!

All that being said, if it would appear preferable to some that my name be
removed from the CVS commiters list, I would not mind a bit.  I have just
read a proposition from Kin-Man to reengineer Generator.java and a reply from
Costin, you can bet that I will think about it a few hours and take a stance,
or maybe propose something :)  I sure hope that I can help in some way work on
this class that I came to know more closely with my previous patch, and in other
parts of Tomcat... I have other ideas :)  I really liked working with Kin-Man
(I hope it was mutual!), and I look forward to continue to be active in the
group whatever the status the group feels I should assume.

Denis Benoit

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