on 7/16/02 1:14 PM, "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's so painful about a ten-line build.xml target that creates a
> separate JAR file with just the javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http API
> classes, if that's what you need?
> Sharing a CVS repository has little or nothing to do with how many
> distributable outputs you create.  On the other hand, having both servlet
> and JSP APIs in a single JAR file is quite useful to a very large number
> of existing Tomcat (and other container) users, so it should be available
> also.
> Craig

I used to say the same thing about Turbine and Torque. You could use Torque
without using any of the Turbine code...yet people refused to use Torque
because it was packaged in the same jar file as Turbine.

I also think that keeping two different API's in the same .jar file is a
terrible idea. Think about all the issues we have/had with the XML api's.
The Servlet API is also on a different release cycle than the JSP API.

Also, having things in the same repo makes it to easy to create dependencies
between the two API's...that is why the JSR's were split as well.

As Pier said, 2 API's, 2 JSR's, 2 CVS repo's.

Consider this my strong -1.


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