Patrick Luby wrote:
> All,
> I have tested out some code in o.a.c.startup.Bootstrap.main() that finds 
> and loads the JDK tools (e.g. javac), loads the JSSE jars in 
> "jsse.home", turns on the Java security manager, determines and 
> catalina.home dynamically. These steps are currently done by the 
> catalina.[sh|bat] scripts.
> My goal is to simplify the various Tomcat scripts to the point where all 
> they do is invoke a class. In other words, I would like to move all of 
> the construction of all sorts of optional system properties, etc. from 
> the scripts into Tomcat's main() method. Originally, I had proposed 
> using the commons-launcher to do this. However, commons-launcher is adds 
> another layer on top of the existing o.a.c.startup.Bootstrap class and 
> forks another JVM. This works, but is a bit heavyweight.
> I am willing to move the script code into main(). However, there is one 
> problem: there are currently 2 sets of startup code. Current Bootstrap 
> and BootstrapService both do a lot of the same steps to start Tomcat. 
> Before I make any changes to Bootstrap, I would like to propose that we 
>  separate out the common methods in Bootstrap and BootstrapService (e.g. 
> creating the classloaders, invoking Catalina.start(), etc.).
> My hope would be that that Bootstrap.main() could be simplified to do 
> the following:
> - Set up the shutdown port
> - Invoke BootstrapService.start()
> - Invoke BootstrapService.stop() when the shutdown port receives a
>   shutdown request
> I would need Remy's and Pier's help to separate out the BootstrapService 
> methods so that they can compile without commons-daemons. I can them 
> move Bootstrap to use these methods and move the script code into these 
> methods so that both Bootstrap and BootstrapService share these features.
> Is anyone interested in pursuing this? If so, let me know. If not (I 
> know everyone is busy), then I can leave things the way they are and 
> repropose this sometime in the future.

No, I'd rather do something according to the pre-proposal put forward by 
Costin that would be a refactoring of the whole startup and 
configuration code, rather than an evolution of the current code. I 
don't have much interest in trying to improve that code, as I think it's 
good enough (ie, it gets the job done).


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