On Thursday 03 October 2002 12:14 pm, Henri Gomez wrote:
> Steve Downey wrote:
> > Actually, with the recent release of commons-logging, we should be able
> > to get rid of the explicit LogKit and Log4J. They're there so as to get a
> > complete build of commons-logging. Tomcat 5 itself doesn't use either
> > directly.
> >
> > Xerces is a different issue. There was a bug that was preventing Tomcat
> > from migrating to the latest version. Unfortunately, I no longer remember
> > the details. Anyone know why we're using 2.1.0 instead of 2.2.0?
>  From what I experienced with Xerces j 2.2.0 it seems it does
> much more validity check and for instance found a '--' somewhere
> in comments (1 EUR to the first who find where).
> Previous version of Xerces or crimson didn't got that problem.
> if we could see which xml/dtd/tld is reported buggy, which
> will able to see if it's a bug or a features (ie a more strict
> check of xml rules)

Going through my old mail, I was remembering the 2.0.1/2.0.2 problems that 
were keeping us on xerces nightly for a while. 2.1.0 fixed those problems.

This seems to be a problem in parsing the 1.2 taglibs DTD.  This one fails


where this one



Failure is at line 307, column 39. But I don't see anything significant there.

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