V. Cekvenich wrote:

I'm very happy that Tomcat works well on 1.4, I can't however see any
reason to "requiring" 1.4, what are the benefits? Should we artificially
create obstacles for the sake of it?


Would you be "more" happier if JDK 1.4 made tomcat faster and more stable and have less jars, relative to other containers?
Nothing to lose people, and something to gain.
1.3 has a bad GC for one.

I think TC4 = JDK1.3, but TC5 = JDK1.4.
TC5, TC4 and TC3 requires also external jars, like jakarta-commons-logging, beantutils and so on, so there will be
still external jars.

Also many features in JDK 1.4 and which could be required in TC4/5
are also present in OSS land, like ssl/crypto and for many of us
it sometimes mandatory to use OSS libraries when using crypto stuff,
that's why there is PureTLS/Cryptix supported by TC3/4/5 via JTC.

So could we close this stream which generate more noise and personal
opinion than usefull advices on a developper list ?


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