Kin-Man Chung wrote:

>> > It seems to be introduced by one of the recent changes - I had no
>> > problem compiling the admin few weeks ago. We either roll back the
>> > change or find another way.
>> The bug happens in the jsp-examples precompilation (which is supposed to
>> work also, right ?). One of the tag examples apparently causes problems.
> The strange thing is the error hapeened with source.jsp, which is not one
> of the exmaples.  Do you guys know what it's for?
> I also don't believe jsp-examples has been successful compiled with JSPC
> before.  I know haven't tried that with JSP2.0 examples.  With automatic
> compiling of the tag files, I won't be surprise if there are problems.  :)

It doesn't matter what it's for - if it is valid JSP it should compile
with jspc the same as with jspservlet :-). If it's not valid - it should be

>> > One thing should be clear - precompiled jsps should be included with
>> > tomcat5 and we should strongly recommend ( and support ) this mode for
>> > production sites. For development it is normal to compile the page, but
>> > doing the compilation on a production server is really bad idea.
>> +1.
> +1 from me too.  However, is Jspc good enough now?  Are there areas that
> need
> to be fixed?  We should not make this a requirement for tomcat5 and
> recommand
> such a practice until it is good enough.  For now we should just turn off
> precompilation of the examples until the problem is identified and fixed.

It's not a "requirement" for tomcat5 - people can use whatever they want.
Our examples and the admin and all jsps we ship should be precompiled - it
is a very bad example if the first time you load hello.jsp it takes 1
minute. If people add a jsp to the examples - it will be compiled by
jspservet and will work as before.

Jspc works fine - the generated code is exactly the same as with 
JspServlet. I used it with pretty complex apps ( with 4.1 ). The only
problem that jspc may have is that a lot of the development on jasper is
done using jspservlet, and far less testing is done on jspc - and if we
start precompiling it'll be more likely the problems will be fixed.
The difference is just in the calling environment.

BTW, IMO it is also much better for the code stability - as changes 
are made to jasper, knowing that all admin and examples compile is a good


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