Remy Maucherat a écrit :

Usually, when a Tomcat branch nears its release, a new branch is created.

However, I only have a few feature ideas that make some sense, and the problem is that they are minor evolutions (hence, they could perfectly fit inside the 5.0 branch). This includes:

- Updating JK2 to use the JMX events (the same ones the mapper uses) to get autoconfiguration, as an option. That seems useful, but it might well be a really stupid thing in the real world.


- Java or native load balancer, with session affinity support. This could be the perfect commons project, and is not really related to Tomcat.

There is allready cluster support in TC isn't it ?

- Use an in memory Java compiler to be able to automatically precompile webapps upon deployment. I heard such a compiler now exists, and this could be added fairly easily if it works well enough. I'm not a very big fan, but maybe it would make sense for some people.

Well another add-on which could be usefull for site which hosts many Tomcat instances but want to have them running on different JVM.

I know Websphere does it and when it's managed via a decent user interface it make IT managers more than happy :)

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